Been a long long time since I last blogged.
During this long absence, I've been doing my
FYP (final year project) for school,
tried baking cake with flour from Daiso, with nutella, rum flavouring and bananas,
which turned out quite a flop in shape and texture as theres a big bump below, but tasted suprisingly nice :) though it was hard. Looks nice though :) as shown below
And, hehe also attended a fireworks show at the
marina floating platform, which will be posted
later if nothing goes wrong ha.
*Note* 2nd cake appeared worse.. Several things happened..
1) it became volcano shaped with cracks included..
2) it sunk as it cooled till it look like flat land with ravines in it.
3) when i flipped it over there was a huge bump below it even though i tapped it alot of times to get rid of the bubbles..
4) it felt like chocolate rum pound cake.. Even though... I bought Sponge Cake Mix.
**NOTE 2** videos of fireworks next post :) pardon the lousy cameramanship :p
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