Saw Some Nice Cars.
Saw Some Great Cars :)
Saw Some babes..
More Babes and Bikes :p
Saw Even More Bikes.. I personally love this Bike's look ^^
I've tried to take some videos of the F1 on my handphone but most of the places were blocked with black cloth and tons of Auxillary Policemen. Only managed to find some holes thru which I could peek. But most offered only split second viewing per car. The place where I went the first night.. they allowed us to sit and view the split second views.. 2nd night I went there the same guard was chasing ppl away. Oh well went around and found a better view up the stairs besides Marina Square. Got tired and went downstairs to 7 Eleven where we found a nice spot where the cloth banner was super translucent and watched thru it.. though the cars were still a blur.. It was ALOT louder and more fun :). Predicted with a friend that a car crashed when we saw no cars coming soon after the first lap.After we predicted, we saw safety vehicles rushing by... turned out we were right hehe. We knew we were right when we saw a projection in a pub showing a crashed vehicle. :P
Most of the time during these weeks were finishing touches for the FYP.. presentation went quite well till the Demo where a question was asked and I could not really grasp what was asked -_-.. prob brain was still asleep as it was an early morning presentation.. Oh well.. waiting for results. Hoping for at least a C >.<. Next up.. Portfolio creation.. Wonder how I'll go about doing it >.<.. Oh well Too tired to think now.. I'll tackle that issue tomorrow.. for now.. Gd Nite :)
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